name change (in Public Record)

AdminTal Destra October 1 2008 6:14 PM EDT

Tal Destra (Mentano) Central Bank (Central Bank) $50000 6:13 PM EDT

for name change of Tal_Destra to Destrinator

PearsonTritonRaveshaw October 1 2008 7:50 PM EDT

w00t! I feel popular!

I gave him the nickname Destrinator =D

Don't get it?

Tal Destra + the terminator / governator / Schwarzenegger = Destrinator

Still not getting it?

Destra + nator = Destrinator

If you're still having difficulty understanding this concept, please find the highest ledge near you, climb to the top, and jump off. If that fails to make you any smarter, equip a baseball bat (preferably a metal one) and smack it against your head until you lose all movement in your arms.

A Lesser AR of 15 [Red Permanent Assurance] October 1 2008 10:35 PM EDT

When you explain it like that's one of the worse name changes ever.

Xiaz on Hiatus October 1 2008 10:43 PM EDT

Destra + nator != Destrinator
Destra + nator = Destranator
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