Strat Suggestions (in General)

Darnation October 4 2008 1:37 PM EDT

Rip apart my strat and help me think up what kind of tattoo i should use and what kinda stuff i should be doing instead of what i am now

Conquest October 4 2008 1:44 PM EDT

Without getting too in depth, swap your PL and AS minions (minion 1 and 4). Put a bunch of low armor on the AS minion: hard leather armor, leather boots, leather gloves, a cabasset, a cloak, and a buckler as well for best results. The buckler results in a very small penalty to his spells, but it is quite trivial. Upgrade them all slightly depending on how much cash you have (+5 on all is quite cheap) and train a base steel skin on that minion.

This will give you a higher AC front minion backed by your PL/TSA minion. MM will hit your PL/TSA MgS wearing minion that is now placed in the far back reducing damage there while the higher AC minion in front reduces incoming physical damage.
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