is it possible? (in New players)

robertjuhz October 16 2008 6:26 AM EDT

hello there,
is it possible to wield 2 weapons? a mace and a bow for example? and use them both in 1 battle?

Obscurans October 16 2008 6:31 AM EDT

You can wield both a ranged and a melee weapon only. You will use the ranged weapon in the ranged rounds and the melee weapon in the melee rounds - but you will incur a one-round penalty when switching weapons and will not attack the first melee round.

There is no dual wielding two ranged, nor two melee weapons however. Also, note there is a horrendous accuracy penalty when using ranged weapons in melee rounds, and most ranged weapons fire once every two melee rounds. So that just sucks.

robertjuhz October 16 2008 8:46 AM EDT

oke thanks, so its not always better to just wield both?

TheHatchetman October 16 2008 10:28 AM EDT

you can skip the one-round penalty by using a 1-handed weapon ~_^
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