General Complaint: Money Time (in Off-topic)

FailBoat[SG] [Forever Alone] October 18 2008 2:29 AM EDT

This is a time that some people like, but some people like myself hate this time. I personally wouldn't be happier if there was an option to just ignore money time. Not get more XP Time or anything else, just the ability to ignore money time. I don't care about it. I rarely burn BA during it. It bothers me. I hate it.

Anyways, I'm done being whiny.

8DEOTWP October 18 2008 4:19 AM EDT

Remove money time and XP time goes with it.
Get over it you little girl!

QBJohnnywas October 18 2008 7:31 AM EDT

Give me more money times please. I owe 16 million!

QBJohnnywas October 18 2008 7:32 AM EDT

And look at it this way, if you earn money during that time you can use it to buy BA during XP time...everybody wins with this one...

PearsonTritonRaveshaw October 18 2008 8:18 AM EDT

When I ran my NUB back before they got free BA *grumble...*, I'd buy all my BA I could during money time and I'd end up with 300k+ and about 180k-200k exp.

/me huggles money time

Colonel Custard [The Knighthood] October 18 2008 12:51 PM EDT

"And look at it this way, if you earn money during that time you can use it to buy BA during XP time...everybody wins with this one..."

Everybody except NCBs over 3k MPR...

Admindudemus [jabberwocky] October 18 2008 1:00 PM EDT

"wouldn't be happier if there was an option to just ignore money time"

jon implemented this a while back, it is called the don't clicky the fight button if you don't need the moolah!
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