Clan Recruitment! (in General)

illerhas [Sleeping Forest] October 29 2008 3:21 AM EDT

Sleeping Forest needs new members to shred the earth beneath us, we can spread our wings and soar above the ranks, leaving them all in our wake of destruction! let them fall to their knees and bow before us! forever climbing the ranks to sit on the throne that is rightfully ours!

Motto: "Fall asleep in Sleeping Forest"

"All the trees entwine their arms and stretch towards the sky;
Gathering the leaves, it devours the light.
The darkness of the forest deepens...
The hunter does not see the eyes and fangs of beasts lurking in the darkness.
Tonight, the hunter will be hunted by the beast:
This is the Sleeping Forest."

Flatcap [East Milwaukee Devival] October 29 2008 3:44 AM EDT

You can just post a reply to your old post to move it to the top you know....
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