Recipes (in Off-topic)

Wizard'sFirstRule October 30 2008 8:08 AM EDT

I made a little quiche with onion, cucumber and capsicum, but it taste just like eggs and vegetables. Is there some magical herbs that I can put into the quiche that make it taste like something?

P.S. how is capsicum not a word according to the spellcheck?

QBJohnnywas October 30 2008 8:25 AM EDT

Cucumber doesn't really have a strong taste in comparison to say eggs. There's no way to make it so.

Capsicum - peppers we call them in the UK - can taste really good, either don't cook them or prefry them. Same with onions. I'd use raw red onion if you want strong flavour. Also try chopping up a couple of jalapenos. That'll give you really strong flavour.

Any herbs and some crushed pepper will do the trick to add flavour too. Try to go for fresh herbs if you can, you'll get a stronger taste.

Wizard'sFirstRule October 30 2008 7:31 PM EDT

that must be why, I used the bottled pre-rubbed/chopped herbs thing.
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