Detectives! (in Contests)

Xiaz on Hiatus November 1 2008 4:50 AM EDT

Hey all,

I was a player in the original CB. You're task is to find the answers to the following questions, first person to answer ALL (Q1 to Q5) the questions correctly in ONE post wins the prize.

1. What day and date did I join CB1? ($200k)
2. Who paid for my supporter status, and what happened to this player? ($200k)
3. I started two clans during my time there, name them. ($200k)
4. Name at least one of my clan mates from each clan. ($200k)
5. What was my final user name on CB1? ($200k)

Bonus question
6. I recall versing Jonathan in a game of starcraft way back, what races were we playing and who won? ($500k)

Total prize money is 1.5M, you need to answer Q1 to Q5 to be able to answer the bonus question. Just to make it easier, there's no way to 'find' the answer to question 6, so you'll need to guess - I don't recommend hassling Jon, I doubt he remembers or will answer you question :P

Xiaz on Hiatus November 4 2008 8:39 PM EST

Contest closed.

AdminQBnovice [Cult of the Valaraukar] November 4 2008 8:55 PM EST

it was a great idea... but maybe a bit harder than folks thought they could figure out..

Xiaz on Hiatus November 4 2008 8:57 PM EST

Yeh, basically they had to find my user info page in the web archives. You can find Q1 and Q5 from there, then use the link to my forum entries to get the rest.
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