Loans Avail in increments of 1M (in Services)

{cb2}ShadeSlayer November 4 2008 10:26 PM EST

Loans available in increments of 1M

4M Available.

5.0% interest PER MONTH*

5.0%(of loan) * N + Loan amount= Total Due, where N is number of months Etc.

* The payment is due on the FIRST of every month, you will be given a 3 day grace period, after that the interest will be doubled every day after the 3 days to a max of 20%, or a one time finance charge of 150K, whichever is the greater.

Interest will be calculated based on when the loan is taken; as in:
loan on the 12th/31st of the month will be calculated as (Loan amt *5.0%*12/31.

Minimum payment due is 50% of the interest amount so a min. payment on a loan of 1M at 5% would be 25000.

Interest is added on the 5th of the month.

If there are any errors on this please let me know.

Collateral is not required but may be offered.

All clients who pay in a timely manner, and are in good standing will get a great reference to whom they wish to loan from in the future.

If you agree with these terms Please Copy this text and type your name here

SIGN: ______________________________

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