Sorrowful and great is the artist's destiny (in Contests)

Apollo November 6 2008 8:41 AM EST

My new Liszt CD came today, so here is a contest in honour of the great man.

Franz Liszt is the key to cipher which technically is not a cipher. All you have to do is find the hidden word, and how you did it. $500k to the winner.

Franz was born in the, village named Doborján modern Hungary. For his complex etudes his, transciptions have been feared. With Niccolò Paganini credited for inspiration we should realise our fortune. Touring virtuoso, gifted beyond all others. Liszt, innovator of romanticism.

Apollo November 6 2008 8:44 AM EST

Franz was born in the, village named Doborjain modern Hungary. For his complex etudes his, transciptions have been feared. With Niccolo Paganini credited for inspiration we should realise our fortune. Touring virtuoso, gifted beyond all others. Liszt, innovator of romanticism.

Is how it should read with the accents removed.
Just post what you think the answer is in the thread, and I will reveal the winner, although they should already know themselves. First to post the correct answer wins.

Apollo November 6 2008 9:06 AM EST

Franz was born in the, village named Doborjain modern Hungary. For his complex etudes his, transcriptions have been feared. With Niccolo Paganini credited for inspiration we should realise our fortune. Touring virtuoso, gifted beyond all others. Liszt, innovator of romanticism.

This is a form of Steganography, and any spelling errors are my errors, and are not relevant to the hidden word within.
-Binary may help
-The key is only the final part in identifying the hidden word
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