Elven Hauberk and Recruiting a new minion (in General)

kevlar November 6 2008 10:54 AM EST

Does an Elven Hauberk with its magic reduction reduce anti magic field backlash?

And what is the best point to recruit a new minion if you start with just one, someone said it is best to start new with one and grow but it is already very expensive to buy another minion. I guess it is how much you want to spend, but is there a point where you should just keep one?

Brakke Bres [Ow man] November 6 2008 11:14 AM EST

no, only thing that reduces backlash is the RoBF and the NSC's to prevent amf.

BootyGod November 6 2008 12:01 PM EST

ToE reduces AMF basklash damage.

BootyGod November 6 2008 12:02 PM EST

Backlash! What is going on with my spelling today -_-

Apollo November 6 2008 12:08 PM EST

Are you not living in the past? I thought it was changed to the RoBF.

AdminTitan [The Sky Forge] November 6 2008 12:10 PM EST

"Thus, the ToE no longer grants any protection vs AMF, but the RBF now does."

Yep, GW is living in the past, ToE no longer grants AMF backlash reduction.
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