I'm thinking about Disenchanting my ELB and untraining Archery to boost a SoD and pick up Evasion. I know, I know, evasion got nerfed into the ground but with all the groups that have kill slots now, I think it would work better. Ideas?
Ancient Anubis
November 10 2008 5:18 PM EST
go bl and use dbs for evasion its more effective
Lord Bob
November 10 2008 5:23 PM EST
He has no melee weapon, so Bloodlust would be pointless.
I agree with the DBs. I'd say skip the Skill and pump more into the three physical stats.
November 10 2008 6:20 PM EST
For anything physical-damage related, weapon NW (as much as possible into the x) is the key nowadays...
Besides, you're not doing that bad at all.
P.S. Sometimes, keeping it simple is hard, but it works. I mean, just look at my puny character ;)
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