Table Tennis help. (in Off-topic)

[P]Mitt November 15 2008 2:22 PM EST

I'm a beginner/intermediate player and I was looking for some general tips.

I use the traditional Chinese penhold grip.

My paddles has DHS Hurricane 3 Rubber on one side and RITC 729 Tack Speed on the other and a Friendship 729 Bomb Penhold blade.

How do I work on my backhand? other than quick feet.

Fatil1ty November 15 2008 2:25 PM EST

hey while I'm no pro at table tennis, I do enjoy playing and while I played a lot years ago I was quite good. The best players I ever played never had to move much as I remember tho hmmm perhaps I should get back into it.

As far as backhands go I would work on using as much wrist movement as possible. A top spin backhand is great once you have it consistent you'll be able to use it almost as well as forhand.
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