standard bug(for me XD) (in General)

Unappreciated Misnomer November 15 2008 3:08 PM EST

so after i mentioned an error that would pop up in FF. now if i try to change from my favorites to standard characters to fight. guess what? it does not change. if anything the only thing that does change is everything after the word 'delete' moves to the left. so effectively i cant find fresh meat for my ncb.

also when i have ba or not sometimes the side bar refreshes and the number that would display my ba would not be there...but i refresh and all is ok, just mentioning.

neither one posts any errors in firebug

Unappreciated Misnomer November 15 2008 3:11 PM EST

ima shut my mouth. after i posted this i could then change from standard to favorites. but the latter still happens
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