I'll be trading my An Elven Long Bow [6x395] (+0) NW: 3,073,108 for SK's A Mageseeker [5x350] (+46) 4,694,504 at a rate of 65% NW difference + transfers. Total fee comes to 1,050,000. He'll send the MsK, and I'll send the ELB, after I'm paid in full.
Please confirm.
SilvaGaidin (Silvarian) SK (Item Storage) $450000 -- Item Trade: 600k Lef 12:42 PM EST
Total Remaining: 600,000
SilvaGaidin (Silvarian) SK (Item Storage) $100000 -- 500k Left 4:38 PM EST
SilvaGaidin (Silvarian) SK (Item Storage) $100000 -- 400k Left 11:36 AM EST
SilvaGaidin (Silvarian) SK (Item Storage) $200000 -- 200k Left 12:17 PM EST
winner winner
November 20 2008 3:04 PM EST
pretty sure you still owe 200k, I don't see it in the xfers.
SK (Item Storage) SilvaGaidin (Silvarian) A Mageseeker ($4694503) 3:03 PM EST
SilvaGaidin (Silvarian) SK (Item Storage) An Elven Long Bow ($3073108) -- Msk Trade 3:04 PM EST
Yeah, I forgot about the transfer fees on the ELB. I've sent it over already. Farming up the last 30k to send over the last 200k chunk.
SilvaGaidin (Silvarian) SK (Item Storage) $200000 -- Paid In Full 6:50 PM EST
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