Attn: Forgers! (in Services)

Xiaz on Hiatus November 17 2008 7:46 PM EST

These are the items I need forged,
- A Shield of Capacity [0] > A Shield of Capacity [0] (+20) @ 75%
- A Mageseeker [5x1] (+50) > A Mageseeker [5x1250] (+50) @ 73%

I've already contacted some forgers, but if you're a top forger and can take these jobs (possibly at a lower rate) - Please let me know.

Xiaz on Hiatus November 17 2008 8:15 PM EST

The Encore (The Engineer) Durin's Bane (Bleys) loan A Shield of Capacity ($8932) 8:13 PM EST

Durin's Bane will forge the SoC @ 75% - loaned it for a week.
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