Admin/ Sal (in Public Record)

BootyGod November 18 2008 7:27 PM EST

He got to 68 mil and stopped making payments. He refuses to acknowledge my CMs or PMs. So this is a post serving a few purposes.

1) Letting Sal know I'm done asking him over and over about this.

2) Asking an admin to punish, however deemed appropriate, Sal for not coming through with his deal in one week if he does not make some effort to finish repaying the loan or contacting me with an explanation/plans to finish the loan.

I understand that no admin is going to start a stopwatch at this point, but I want to make the intention here clear. I'll refresh this post in a week stating whether or not Sal contacted me.

BootyGod November 22 2008 5:24 PM EST

Apparently Sal has been having problems with his PayPal account and unable to purchase CB with which to pay off his debt. Seeing this, my request for him to be reset is on hold for right now.
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