cannot edit: auction, bid (in General)

Wizard'sFirstRule November 26 2008 5:47 AM EST

I just realized that I can't rename my character when I have things auctioned, but I can transfer the item to another of my character!! I transferred them to Fasunaus Warehouse, but on the manage page, Fasunuas II still can't be edited.

P.S. I have no intention to actually change names, just shocked to find I can't.

QBJohnnywas November 26 2008 5:49 AM EST

lol, that's a dawn of time thing. Surprised you haven't seen it before!

Wizard'sFirstRule November 26 2008 5:50 AM EST

good to know it isn't a bug that can damage my character or crash the server.

QBJohnnywas November 26 2008 5:55 AM EST

Definitely a feature. Item transfers work while you're running an auction, but remember if you changed a char name you would need to change the auction details and from Jon's point of view that's probably just unnecessary hassle when it's easier to just lock it down for the duration of the auction.
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