Apple Misleads Public and is Caught by ASA (in Off-topic)

smallpau1 - Go Blues [Lower My Fees] November 30 2008 1:57 AM EST


"Apple was forced to pull a television advert for the iPhone 3G today after the Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) decided it exaggerated the speed of mobile browsing.

In the 30-second clip the iPhone is shown loading a webpage, finding its current location in Google Maps, opening a PDF from an email and finally taking a phone call.

The ASA concluded that the iPhone cannot do what was shown in the mere 29 seconds afforded in the advert, ruling that it was misleading. So we decided to replicate the clip to see how long the advert should really be.

The video shows our iPhone 3G on the left, and the banned Apple advert in the top-right corner.

The video was shot using a standard iPhone 3G over a Wi-Fi connection, using sites and files similar to those shown in the advert.

The results are quite clear; the advert shows the tasks taking just 29 seconds to complete, while our test showed that it actually takes almost five times as long, at two minutes and 21 seconds."

kevlar November 30 2008 3:02 AM EST

kevlar November 30 2008 3:03 AM EST

here's to truth in advertising


PearsonTritonRaveshaw November 30 2008 4:27 AM EST

Apple. Pshhh...

Another article here, which ends with this paragraph:
The adjudication is not the first time that Apple has been in trouble over iPhone adverts. A campaign for the original iPhone was also deemed to be misleading, after it claimed to give access to the entire internet. In reality, many Flash or Java based sites were unavailable.

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