Junction confusing me / irritating me (in General)

kevlar November 30 2008 2:26 PM EST

I have junction on my character with my familiar, but it is acting goofy. First time it happened was when I trained my 2nd minion and then trained junction on it. When I did initially, it said 1.0 for effect. Maybe I didn't have the familiar equipped at that time but then it took forever to get the effect trained up to 1.0.

Now, I got an upgraded familiar that is more at my max tatoo limit, and I equipped it and it said junction was at 1.0, but then a day or two ago it dropped to an effect level of 0.60 or so. And it is again taking forever to train back up.

I guess my question is why does junction do this? Why doesn't it show the actual effect level when you switch stuff around with your character? Or am I missing something...

Newlin [SeeD] November 30 2008 2:29 PM EST

You have to have junction trained to 1/5th of your tattoo level. So if your tattoo was leveled to 100k then you would need 1/5th of that which would be 20k.
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