Hakai//Borgin//KnightWarrior (in Public Record)

Hakai [Aye Phelta Thi] December 5 2008 3:33 PM EST

KnightWarrior will be taking the BIN on my Tulkas Gauntlets. However, he needs a slight payplan.
Since I suck at remembering to collect on my loans. So [Borgin]Goodfish will be loaning the 1.4 mil to Knightwarrior for an up front payment to me on my Tulkas.

If he defaults I absorb the debt. Borgin will merely be reminding KnightWarrior to make the payments in the place of me. Borgin will be responsible for none of the money lost. So I loan someone money to pay you back?

Here's a copy of the CM sent to KnightWarrior:

Ok. Here's what I can do. I will give you the Tulkas. However, you will have to pay the full 1.4 mil for them. You will not be paying me back, however. You will be sending the payments to [Borgin]Goodfish. There will be no rush for you to complete the payments, however you must have made the final payment in 3 months. (The sooner the better of course, but I feel this is fair.)

And a copy of the CM from KnightWarrior to me:

sounds beautifull yoru deal! i will pay 1,4 milion in the ranage of a onth max for sure even tought u gave me 3 months u cool ! make a pr thread if u want so i dont forgot who to send money and our deal and i confirm and get the tulkas! thanks a lot !

Guardian December 5 2008 3:39 PM EST

thats very right and thanks to help me on this.

i confirm this deal.

Hakai [Aye Phelta Thi] December 5 2008 3:43 PM EST

Hakai (Hakai) Knightwarrior (Gu4rdian) A Set of Tulkas' Gauntlets ($248438) -- as per PR. Enjoy!! 3:42 PM EST

Tulkas Sent. Borgin will be confirming soon.

Thank you to all parties involved.

Goodfish December 5 2008 4:37 PM EST

Confirmed. Will post the transfer log to Hakai as soon as I give her the 1.4 mil. You don't even want to know how long it took me to understand what the heck was going on. -_-'

Goodfish December 5 2008 4:38 PM EST

Figured I'd just as soon eliminate the middle man and just transferred cash to Hakai instead of Knightwarrior since he'd just send it to her anyways (just to clear that up).

[Borgin]Goodfish (Dominus Rex) Hakai (Hakai) $1400000 -- for KW's TG's 4:37 PM EST

Money sent, now to wait three months. ;)

Hakai [Aye Phelta Thi] December 5 2008 5:17 PM EST

lol. That works. And I remain responsible for the loss of any debt. To be paid from me to Borgin in the event that the borrower (KnightWarrior) defaults.

Goodfish December 10 2008 2:01 PM EST

Bump, in case anybody forgot about this. Don't worry, still plenty of time to pay. :)

Guardian December 10 2008 7:54 PM EST

wont forget.

Guardian December 26 2008 5:52 PM EST

only gonna start payments after middle january or the latter possible as i have 3 months to pay this here and lot of other debts .

Guardian December 31 2008 12:52 AM EST

KnightWarrior[BR] (Gu4rdian) [Ex-Goodfish]DJ (Dominus Rex) $700000 -- 700 k half deal paid 12:51 AM EST

700 k paid

700 k lefting
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