Need help with Mafia Wars on Facebook (in Off-topic)

{CB1} DeFiAnT [Jago] December 12 2008 1:43 PM EST

Anyone want to help me build my Mafia Family in Facebook? If so, find me as Tom Groot. Thanks in advance for any help you can give me.

Andy December 12 2008 1:50 PM EST

Mafia Wars? Is this the same as Mob Wars?

{CB1} DeFiAnT [Jago] December 12 2008 2:07 PM EST

It doesn't look like it, as they come up as different items when I search on them (Mafia Wars vs. Mob Wars). When I look at each application, they are virtually identical though.

fatty the loner December 12 2008 2:30 PM EST

Yeah very sim, I have both, mafia wars much better ....they change it up more
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