ToA (in General)

tasuki [UFC] December 12 2008 7:32 PM EST

"PTH bonus is 1/3 of Tattoo's net worth added to the PTH of your weapon." according to the wiki.

Is this really true? I did a quick search on the forum but didn't find any further detail.

Cube December 12 2008 7:43 PM EST

Sickone for example has been using a bow with +0, and is capable of over two hits.

QBJohnnywas December 12 2008 7:44 PM EST

AdminJonathan September 30 2007 9:57 AM EDT
The ToA has been changed to stack with weapon pth similar to how evasion stacks with DB.

Essentially, 1/3 of the ToA's nw is applied as a pth upgrade to each of ranged and melee weapons. (So, if you have a very expensive weapon, the ToA bonus will be less since the "upgrade" is more expensive.)

tasuki [UFC] December 12 2008 8:26 PM EST

"Essentially, 1/3 of the ToA's nw is applied as a pth upgrade to each of ranged and melee weapons. (So, if you have a very expensive weapon, the ToA bonus will be less since the "upgrade" is more expensive.)"

Oh, gotcha. When I was reading that, I thought it gives a direct +pth equaling 1/3 of the NW.

Thanks a bunch.
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