1/2 a month and still no changemonth :( (in General)

Wizard'sFirstRule December 15 2008 7:08 AM EST

... still waiting... nope, still not here... zzzzz

Xiaz on Hiatus December 15 2008 7:13 AM EST

The calm before the storm.

Sickone December 15 2008 7:25 AM EST

Supporter and Admin
Last login at Dec 13.

Bus factor...

bartjan December 15 2008 7:30 AM EST

Changemonth is not a guarantee that things will change during such a month. It's more a promise that nothing drastic should change in the non-changemonths ;)

Usul [CHOAM] December 15 2008 7:45 AM EST

after all, it's holiday season. Give the guy a break.

AdminQBGentlemanLoser [{END}] December 15 2008 7:48 AM EST

Bart, I think people are waiting on;

"I'm going to pick one change to finish up (next week, I expect) and the rest will wait until December"


AdminTitan [The Sky Forge] December 15 2008 9:08 AM EST

Way to go GL, ruin the guy's fun why don't you. ;P

QBJohnnywas December 15 2008 9:18 AM EST

Still a lot of December to go. Plenty of time for changes, even with Christmas in the way. In fact maybe we'll get some FOR Christmas.

Don't be so eager anyway. I can wait until next year for nerfs...

AdminQBnovice [Cult of the Valaraukar] December 15 2008 10:32 AM EST

Next person to says this gets a trip to the hell where carping is the only form of communication, and Gun will be the tour guide.

QBOddBird December 15 2008 11:19 AM EST

Next person to says this gets a trip to the hell where carping is the only form of communication, and Gun will be the tour guide.

...Finally, Gun and I can be together?

Cube December 15 2008 1:46 PM EST

Stopped begging for it. It will come when it comes.

Dark Dreky December 15 2008 1:59 PM EST

/me begs.

Cube December 15 2008 2:03 PM EST


Adminedyit [Superheros] December 15 2008 5:21 PM EST

The man has a family and it's the holiday season, lets be patient, after all good things come to those who wait...

Last Gasp December 15 2008 10:12 PM EST

...and a lot of BAD things come to those who wait... that's called "inaction" which equals entropy which equals death. :-)

Wizard'sFirstRule December 15 2008 10:27 PM EST

/me carps myself for fun while anticipating. :P

Mikel [Bring it] December 15 2008 10:38 PM EST

I need a vacation!!
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