An idea to solve all of the Non-Sense (in General)

{cb2}ShadeSlayer December 16 2008 9:51 AM EST

Is there a way to create a "Chat Op Bot" that can be in chat 24/7 and monitor what is said, if something that is on it's "list" of naughty words, then it can kick someome?

Is that possible or am i just dreaming? Please let me know :)

QBJohnnywas December 16 2008 9:52 AM EST

How do you think it's done currently? You think there are real people here?

{cb2}ShadeSlayer December 16 2008 9:58 AM EST

lol jw

Lady Die December 16 2008 10:01 AM EST

There is a bot, but we havnt used it in quite some time. But that doesnt cease the insults and childishness.

AdminQBGentlemanLoser [{END}] December 16 2008 10:05 AM EST

Then we would need a list of naughty words, and update it when start throwing out Cockney Rhyming Slang insults none of you septics would understand. ;)

If I ever ventured in Chat that is.

AdminQBGentlemanLoser [{END}] December 16 2008 10:07 AM EST

Oh and the bot wouldn't take context into account, so asking for a Bastard Sword would either get you kicked, or calling someone an illegitamte bastard (as an insult, and not a factual descrption) wouldn't.

{cb2}ShadeSlayer December 16 2008 10:07 AM EST

Damn, only if computers were smart enough to know what humans were thinking, then... wait that would be a big problem...

"lets get you a new hard drive"

"Oh hell no you ain't"

"okay lets install this thing"

"Hehe i'm gonna get you sucker"

" Son of a monkey, it shocked me"

{cb2}ShadeSlayer December 16 2008 10:08 AM EST

"so asking for a Bastard Sword would either get you kicked, or calling someone an illegitamte bastard (as an insult, and not a factual descrption) wouldn't."

Yeah but who actually wants a "Bastard Sword"

Lady Die December 16 2008 10:08 AM EST

You kill me lol!

AdminQBGentlemanLoser [{END}] December 16 2008 10:49 AM EST

"Yeah but who actually wants a "Bastard Sword""

The same folk who use Tulwars. ;)

Lochnivar December 16 2008 11:09 AM EST

And what exactly is wrong with a tulwar?!?

Oh, and 'double chain mail' should be added to the list of inappropriate words....

AdminQBGentlemanLoser [{END}] December 16 2008 12:02 PM EST

What's right with one!
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