Cutest thing... (in Off-topic)

SimplyNic December 17 2008 6:01 PM EST

Rofl this dog is funny. I dunno what it was on, but its worth watching.

Lord Bob December 17 2008 6:05 PM EST

My friend's chihuahua does that.

PearsonTritonRaveshaw December 17 2008 7:45 PM EST

That's kind of creepy...

GM December 17 2008 7:53 PM EST

My mom's friend's dog can do about 200 laps in a row around our medium sized coffe table. Funny thing is there is barely room for him to run through, but he manages every friggin' lap. It's pretty entertaining.

BadFish December 17 2008 7:53 PM EST

That dog looks miserable.
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