Borgin/OpVines (in Public Record)

Goodfish December 20 2008 4:00 AM EST

I'm buying some base BGs from OpVines/Rorschach/Jokernaut/whatever people actually call him now. I'll be paying him a mil over the course of a six-week payment plan, but I plan on having the money ready well before then. It's up to him if he wants to send now or once he's paid, he can dictate that when he posts here. :)

ResistanZ2 [The Knighthood] December 20 2008 7:01 AM EST


OpVines (OpVines) [Borgin]Goodfish (Dominus Rex) A Pair of Beleg's Gloves ($1583) 7:00 AM EST

Please post all payments in this thread.

Goodfish December 23 2008 11:48 PM EST

[Borgin]Goodfish (Dominus Rex) OpVines (OpVines) $1000000 -- paid in full 11:47 PM EST

All paid off.
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