Buggy? (in General)

[SIBT]Gardiner Amarth December 22 2008 10:37 AM EST

Here's the problem- on my fourth minion, I have 5,282 xp untrained. All this minion has trained is Ablative Shield. On the train page, it will allow me to put xp into AS, and it will also allow me to train DD or Skills. However, what it will not allow me to do is train any xp into HP, ST, or DX. What's up with that?

[SIBT]Gardiner Amarth December 22 2008 11:09 AM EST

And suddenly, it fixed itself.

JaggedFel311 December 22 2008 11:26 AM EST

I have that same problem, only unfortunately it has not fixed itself, and has been going on for several days now. Any idea of what you did to get it fixed? I've tried refreshing and restarting my browser, using a different browser, and trying a different computer and different browsers on that computer.

I've also emailed Jon about it.

[SIBT]Gardiner Amarth December 22 2008 11:29 AM EST

Absolutely no clue. I fought some more, trained xp on my other minions, and after that was able to train on my 4th minion.

[SIBT]Gardiner Amarth December 22 2008 11:31 AM EST

However, since my last post, I fought a bit more, went to train, and the problem has returned.
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