Vice Ke (in General)

The Old Gods January 2 2009 11:19 PM EST

I was gettin a head start on the Slayer contest (until he said he hadn't edited them yet) when i came across this Vice Ke i clicked on his name and it said "The Nameless One is to powerful for you to handle" or something like that. Who was he (or she) and why are they special enough to dodge the fated "so and does not exist or has been banned"?

AdminTitan [The Sky Forge] January 2 2009 11:20 PM EST

This happens when a character you selected can not be found. This character has most likely been deleted. It's just Jon's way of being funny.

The Old Gods January 2 2009 11:26 PM EST

I dunno cause i was clicking on chars that had been deleted( i kno for sure) and it says "so and so cannot be found either because they dont exist or have been banned"
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