When is 6/20 BA? (in General)

Rawr January 3 2009 5:23 AM EST

I just hit 7 BA per 20 minutes tonight, and just out of curiosity when is 6/20 regen rate?

IndependenZ January 3 2009 6:35 AM EST

BA Rate* % of top MPR Daily Buyable Amount
-------- ------------ --------------------
10 0 - 2.5 240
9 2.5 - 15 216
8 15 - 40 192
7 40 - 60 168
6 60 - 100 144

*Values are the amount regenerated every 20 minutes.

[I just verified this. Rate is based on MPR, not VPR, and is only evaluated during cache flush. So yes, you can buy your BA right before cache flush if you are on the verge, then spend it all at the higher rate. ~NightStrike]

-- As found in the Wiki :) 60% of LA's MR would be your gateway to 6/20 :)

IndependenZ January 3 2009 6:38 AM EST

Which as of now comes down to 2,751,089 MPR.
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