Newbie Question: CoC Mage (in New players)

Zzang January 7 2009 6:24 AM EST

Hey all.. I'm new to this game, and wondering what stats I should train for a solo CoC mage. I'm guessing HP and CoC maybe, but in what ratio?

Thanks ahead of time!

Andy January 7 2009 6:41 AM EST

Just don't...

Zzang January 7 2009 6:44 AM EST

What solo DD spell is good then?

Andy January 7 2009 6:52 AM EST

Fireball xD It's like the most common for single minion teams.

Zzang January 7 2009 7:03 AM EST

yea i decided to go with fireball.. being able to attack in the ranged stage is nifty.

DAS bro January 7 2009 7:05 AM EST

then try and get a FF and equip it!! that will bring in some extra damage ya
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