skier caught with his pants down. (in Off-topic)

tasuki [UFC] January 9 2009 2:19 PM EST

Skier left dangling upside down and trouserless

It takes the cake for most embarrassing caught-with-your-pants-down moment.

This skier pictured at Colorado's luxury Vail ski resort spent several minutes dangling upside down from a chairlift with his pants around his ankles and in full view of passing skiers.

The unfortunate mishap occurred when the unidentified 48-year-old man boarded a high-speed lift in Vail's Blue Sky Basin with a young child on the morning of January 1 (US local time).

The chairlift's fold-down seat apparently was not in the correct lowered-down position, causing the man to slip through the resulting gap as he attempted to board the lift, The Smoking Gun website reports.

However, the man's right ski became jammed in the ascending chairlift as he fell οΎ— and with his boot secured to its binding, it prevented him from falling onto the snowdrift below.

Perhaps less fortunately, the man's ski pants also became ensnared in the chairlift, leaving his backside totally exposed to both the -5C temperatures and to the clicking cameras of passing tourists.

The scene of unintended slapstick lasted for about seven minutes as Vail personnel stopped the lift, backed it up and dislodged the hapless skier from the four-seat chair.

Vail Resorts later issued a press release saying the man was not injured after the humiliating experience but offered no explanation as to how it happened.

You can probably google for the images of the scene but since it is somewhat non-PG, I won't link or post it here.

kevlar January 9 2009 2:24 PM EST

we were laughing at this yesterday, a girl in my group showed it.

(images have been blurred, so all the PG mongrils' erector pili muscles can relax)
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