DK Strat build help (in Off-topic)

SimplyNic January 25 2009 6:43 PM EST

Right so I've been leveling my character for a while now and as soon as I hit 55 I plan on making a DK. This is the tech tree that I put together a couple of days ago. Think it'll work good?

SimplyNic January 25 2009 6:48 PM EST

Forgot to say that this is for WoW >,<.

Rawr January 25 2009 7:14 PM EST

Usually you'll want to go full blood or full unholy. You're missing out on heart strike, which is much better than the regular blood strike. Hear strike increases dps by a lot and thus you heal yourself more, meaning even LESS downtime. If you want to go unholy, you must have "on a pale horse". 20% mount speed is ridiculous, making bg PvP, world PvP, and leveling so much faster, not to mention leveling gathering professions. The 20% stun/fear reduction is good in any case as well, PvP and PvE leveing (not so sure about raiding, but that isn't an issue).

So with your build, you've got some of the good talents in 2 different trees. But, you'd be much more successful and efficient if you choose one and put most of your points into 1 tree.
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