Naming Tats (in General)

kevlar January 29 2009 7:00 PM EST

So I thought I read somewhere that naming tats makes it so they don't get exp? Is that true or am I just making stuff up. Does naming a tat effect it in any way for how it grows?

Fatil1ty January 29 2009 7:02 PM EST

naming a tat boosts it's stats by 4% but the rate at which it grows will remain the same... However I do believe that the MTL will take into account the 4% so if you have a tat equipped thats really close to the MTL then it won't grow until your MTL is big enough to compensate for the 4% boost

AdminQBnovice [Cult of the Valaraukar] January 29 2009 7:03 PM EST

It would only prevent it from growing if your max tat is below the level of the tattoo after it's 4% naming bonus.

kevlar January 29 2009 7:09 PM EST

thanks to you both
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