Changes needed in how training works... (in General)

Fatil1ty February 3 2009 12:21 AM EST

It frustrates me that you can't do several things...if want to train say 4/5th str and keep archery at 1 you can't.

I wish there were two auto train for all skills that work up to an effect of 1.0 like archery junction etc. so that instead of going and guessing how much to put in to put it to 1 effect it would just automatically do that.

and 2: I would like it if training wasn't forced to run top to bottom. What happens if you want to do more than 1/2 on say str and less on something lower down the list...

I wish you could set the proportions more accurately to reflect what you want to do.

I'm sure this will need clarification of what I'm actually trying to say but I would appreciate peoples thoughts on the issue and ways around it...

AdminQBnovice [Cult of the Valaraukar] February 3 2009 12:24 AM EST

Basic math really that hard?

I suppose we could make an easy button.

BadFish February 3 2009 12:24 AM EST

True. I was always very confused as to why training is done the way it is. I don't really see any gameplay benefit in making people work out the fractions on their own. I suppose it helps stop people from working out the absolutely perfect xp distribution and never worrying about it again, but... Is that really a big enough problem to have training be a huge pain in the butt for the rest of us? People run cookie-cutter builds as it is.

BadFish February 3 2009 12:25 AM EST

Nov: I see a little merit in that, but I'm not here to do math. I'm here to blend carnage! rawr

Fatil1ty February 3 2009 12:27 AM EST

nov my point isn't to make things easier it's just that the order in which spells etc are currently forces you to train up to down with fractions. Like how do you train 4/5ths str and keep archery to 1 using loaded training can't without having it at say 1/2 str 1/4 archery which doesn't use up all xp.

bartjan February 3 2009 1:12 AM EST

How could it autotrain for something that also depends on what armor you wear?

Fatil1ty February 3 2009 1:15 AM EST

very valid point Bart...this just occured to me. How bout an option added to the methods currently available offering
"train to effect". Inputing 1 would bring the skill as close to 1 or up to 1 but not past.

Rawr February 3 2009 1:16 AM EST

I see how it would work, sort of. So if you use that "train to effect", then you have all that leftover xp to go into STR, then your "train to effect" isn't at 1.00 anymore? right? or am I missing something?
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