Looking for Forger (in Services)

Fatil1ty February 3 2009 2:07 PM EST

I have a pair of BoF's at +29 I would like another 1 or 2 +'s added. After that I have a MS, BOE, both needing about 1M work each.

Ideally I would like to work in a MSK into the forging whereby I will send it over for say 3 hours and you could possible forge that instead for a couple 160 BA sessions.

Please reply or CM me

Fatil1ty February 4 2009 1:47 PM EST

bump also have a pair of DB's needing work. someone please step up for the job :)

Fatil1ty February 8 2009 3:54 PM EST

bump, c'mon people somebody out there must need some work..I can give you any item you want. your pick
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