Need a 9M loan (in Services)

GM February 4 2009 7:35 PM EST

I either need a 9M loan or 20USD. If I get 9M Ill sell for 20USD and if I get USD, then thats what I need.

I can only put up this for collater:
A Tattoo of Endurance lvl 70,879

I've never had or needed a loan. I know I can't exactly be seen as qualified, but I hope someone can help me out I'll pay back ASAP.

Adi February 4 2009 7:53 PM EST

wouldn't it be easier to ask your friend/mother/favorite teacher for $20? Or you could offer to mow your neighbor's lawn..

GM February 4 2009 7:55 PM EST

I need it for online, if I did that Id then have to put it in my bank account and do all the waiting. This way I can get it direct and continue playing and just pay it back on here.

GM February 4 2009 9:06 PM EST

Alright discard this, I wont need the money for a month.

Ariac February 4 2009 9:14 PM EST

Well now that you won't need the money for a month couldn't you use that month trying to make the 20$?

GM February 4 2009 9:30 PM EST

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