Best Flash game music ... ever (in Off-topic)

kevlar February 5 2009 7:20 PM EST

I must be slow to not have played this flash game before, I went to it from the list of games to try when out of BA... and this is strictly the most impressive music for any flash game I have ever heard. Is it stolen from a movie like Pirates of the Carribean... because that is all I can think about when I hear it!

Sonny... one of the best music themes in any video game I have ever played. Chrono Trigger is my all time favorite.

Anyone know where to download the music from Sonny and Sonny2? *wow*

iBananco [Blue Army] February 5 2009 7:50 PM EST
Doesn't have the Sonny tracks, but that's the guy who composed the soundtrack.

kevlar February 5 2009 10:55 PM EST

actually, JS, that site is sensational, if you click the "audio" tag up top you can listen to the tracks and download them. Brilliant! Ty

kevlar February 5 2009 11:49 PM EST

here's some other favorites


Monkey Island

kevlar February 8 2009 2:17 AM EST

anyone else have any music gems? I love this kinda stuff... this theme from Sonny just rocks the boat:
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