Looking for forgers for reading week (in Services)

Fatil1ty February 11 2009 10:36 AM EST

Hey guys...I am going away on reading week from saturday night and returning next saturday and while I'm gone I need people to forge several things of mine. I would like people to take one item for a week or if it's smaller to take 2 items.

I will be loaning out the following and require this much done:

MsK: as much as possible

BoE: about 500k-1M

MS: about 500k

BoF: about 1.5M

on the armor I can loan it back afterwards if it is almost to the next level.

Please CM me with rates and which items you would like...

Thanks everyone

Fatil1ty February 11 2009 10:38 AM EST

and also need:

a TSA +48 taken up at least 1 ideally 2 points... about a mil per point

Fatil1ty February 13 2009 1:29 AM EST

bump... still looking for any of them...

TheHatchetman February 13 2009 3:07 AM EST

I can work on the MsK or TSA and I can do the MS along with either of these if ya like at 75%

Fatil1ty February 13 2009 10:26 AM EST

K Shadeslayer is forging my TSA at 73% and I have already sent it because I have a loaner. and Hatch will be forging my MsK to x3500 and then anything to the plus at 75%.

so still available for forging:

BoF +30: need another 2 points or more.

MS: need another 500k-1M

BoE: need another 500k-1M

DB's +70: as much as possible

Please cm or post if youw would like any of the jobs.

Fatil1ty February 13 2009 10:32 AM EST

shadeslayer is doing the BoF as well..

Still need:

MS: need another 500k-1M

BoE: need another 500k-1M

DB's +70: as much as possible

Please cm or post if you would like any of the jobs.

Fatil1ty February 14 2009 1:50 AM EST

bump still looking for the last three items...

msg me or post details...I will be leaving at about 10 AM tomorrow so msg me before that

Fatil1ty February 14 2009 11:06 AM EST

k thanks to everybody... I will be sending out the items now.. Thanks shadeslayer and hatch!

TheHatchetman February 18 2009 11:30 PM EST

A Mithril Shield ($1539363)

A Mithril Shield [22] (+44) 1,991,218

NW difference: $451,855

A Mageseeker ($32251377)

A Mageseeker [5x3500] (+60) 33,643,401

NW difference: $1,392,024

Total difference: $1,843,879

Currently owed: $1,382,909

Really only posting this update cuz the MS and MsK x are finished and I'm moving onto the + ^_^

TheHatchetman February 21 2009 2:24 AM EST

A Mithril Shield ($1539363)

A Mithril Shield [22] (+44) 1,991,218

NW difference: $451,855

A Mageseeker ($32251377)

A Mageseeker [5x3500] (+68) 34,808,969

NW difference: $2,557,592

Total difference: $3,009,447

Currently owed: $2,257,085

All finished, as i won't be able to add another point before it goes back ^_^ Enjoy!
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