Shinobu/ /Betrayed (in Public Record)

IIKlutzyKatII [KlawedBellows] February 19 2009 12:46 PM EST

Shin's buying my AoF +8 she's paying 500k now and another 500k when she gets it ... please confirm

KittehShinobu February 19 2009 12:49 PM EST

^_^ Confirmed, added a CoI+10 to the deal for 500k, so the total owed to BF is 1,000,000 after the 500k

IIKlutzyKatII [KlawedBellows] February 19 2009 12:51 PM EST

Betrayed Forgotten (Vengeful) Shinobu (Maidens) An Amulet of Focus ($455157) 12:49 PM EST
Betrayed Forgotten (Vengeful) Shinobu (Maidens) A Cloak of the Istari ($483555) 12:49 PM EST

All Yours Hope You Enjoy!

KittehShinobu February 19 2009 12:51 PM EST

Shinobu (Maidens) Betrayed Forgotten (Vengeful) $500000 -- 500k now, 1mil later

^_^ same to you. I'll send the 1 mil in a lump sum once I have it. It'll take about a week or so ^_^ but I always send my money.

KittehShinobu February 20 2009 11:37 PM EST

Shinobu (Maidens) Betrayed Forgotten (Vengeful) $500000 -- 500k down 500k left

^_^ Ok, so I sent 500k, theres only 500k left to send. then ^_^ deal ish sealed

KittehShinobu February 23 2009 2:23 AM EST

the debt has been paid off in full, ^_^ enjoy

IIKlutzyKatII [KlawedBellows] February 23 2009 8:05 AM EST

Thanks Shin ..... hope you enjoy your items ..... q=-P
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