Syndicate needs you!!! (in General)

Hakai [Aye Phelta Thi] February 19 2009 4:33 PM EST

Ok, as many of you may know... Zenai is running a Supportership Contest called Armor Fiend.

Well, we are participating in all 3 days and we need another member to help us win for our non-supporters. You must be able to be online and able to play all 3 days of the contest to be considered.

As it stands, The max PR you can accept is 1,837,994. This number may change a bit once OB switches out to his NCB, so please keep that in mind.

We will probably only need you in the clan for 1 week, so even if you are part of another clan or don't think clans are for you, it will just be for a good cause and then you can move on again. Please let me know if you are interested in being considered.

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