Congratz to me.. (in Off-topic)

Aera Cura February 24 2009 11:27 AM EST

I know its not much but A Rune of Solitude lvl 4,001,640 72,568,417. Thank You exp time. :)

Hakai [Aye Phelta Thi] February 24 2009 11:28 AM EST

Grats!!! :D

BadFish February 24 2009 11:38 AM EST

Pwns my tat. Congrats!

QBOddBird February 24 2009 11:40 AM EST

Congratulations Sage's tattoo!

Sickone February 24 2009 5:43 PM EST

Ouch... so much younger, and already with a slightly bigger tattoo than mine :'(

TheHatchetman February 24 2009 6:36 PM EST

what do you mean not much? a 4m tat is *definitely* something to be proud of ^_^

j'bob February 24 2009 6:41 PM EST

yay for you. I've never had a 4 mil tattoo.
I'm barely even dressed!

Lord Bob February 24 2009 6:55 PM EST


Wanna insta down?


Aera Cura February 24 2009 10:38 PM EST

Haha. Thanks, no i do not want to insta down.
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