Looking for forgers for wall gear! (in Services)

Tyriel [123456789] March 10 2009 12:28 AM EDT

I have almost a full set of wall gear that I need forged.

Currently, I have the following available:

An Adamantite Cuirass [40] -> To +90 or so (19m NW)
A Shadow Cloak [11] (+25) -> Two points (2.5m NW)
A Helm of Durin [9] -> To +25 or so (7.6m NW)

I'm hoping to get an AoAC (to +22, 6m NW) and MS (+60 or so, 15m NW) from auctions shortly, and some CML (+47, 8.5m NW if they're base) sometime in the near future.

If you're interested in doing any of the items, please let me know the item, your rate, and how long you'll be able to do it for. Time isn't a very big deal (it'll take a while for my NCB to be large enough to use them), so I don't mind if you're a little slow.

Tyriel [123456789] March 10 2009 9:13 PM EDT

Don't know why I didn't think of it before, but doing trading would probably work out better than forging. :P

Still, at the very least, I'll need the SC forged. Depending on the deals made, I'll still likely need a few of the items forged a few points. I guess I'll keep updates here on if I need anything else forged.

Items needing forging at the moment:
A Shadow Cloak [11] (+25) -> +27 (2.5m NW difference)

Tyriel [123456789] March 11 2009 12:19 AM EDT

Items needing forging at the moment:
A Shadow Cloak [11] (+25) -> +27 (2.5m NW difference)
Rainbow pants made of teddy bears [18] (+45) -> +47 (2.25m NW difference)
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