I hate Thunderstorms... (in Off-topic)

smallpau1 - Go Blues [Lower My Fees] March 10 2009 9:41 PM EDT

Ok, so I just had my power flicker a few times all the while my 360 was in pause in fable 2 looking up tips on a quest (wasn't sure if it was an evil or good quest). Saw the lights in the room where the 360 was flicker 3-4 times, "Great" went through my mind. Sure enough, walk in front of the xbox to gouge my eyes out seeing 3 red rings, lol. So I turned off the 360, turned it on, and it came up to the regular home screen with my avatar and his shades on, but i cannot get my controllers to be recognized by the 360. Anyone else get this problem before? I hope it's not serious... I'm not gonna try again till tomorrow probably because it is still raining.

Wish me luck for tomorrow though, >.<

*Fingers Crossed*

smallpau1 - Go Blues [Lower My Fees] March 10 2009 10:00 PM EDT

ooommmggg, woooooooow:

I swear if I have to send it in because of this...

Organ Doughner [Fees Dirt Cheap] March 10 2009 10:12 PM EDT

This has happened to me often(well over 5 times) and I had nothing to worry about. My 360 was just fine after it. I never had a problem with the controllers after the incident, maybe just re-sync them? Even though I didn't have any problems doesn't mean it's safe though =\.

Revs March 10 2009 10:24 PM EDT

Probably wouldn't hurt to have it plugged into a surge protector. Just in case. ;)

smallpau1 - Go Blues [Lower My Fees] March 10 2009 11:30 PM EDT

It was in a surge protector. And i let it cool down for a bit, and they (controllers and 360) now work just fine, thank the lord, lol.
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