walls (in General)

ImSuck March 18 2009 11:47 PM EDT

so, how would i go about making a minion a wall, also, of the 3 minions i have, would it be better to have 1 wall or 2? i already have one selected, but i need to know if i need another or not.

Flamey March 18 2009 11:49 PM EDT

You want one wall in any team at most. You also need to decide on one damage dealer. You also need to decide whether you're using a tank or a mage. You've current got DD spells trained implying Magic and Mage. The other should be an enchanter to help your team. Training AMF and/or GA would be a good bet if you're a mage. Really depends on preference and what you choose with the other things.

Fatil1ty March 18 2009 11:50 PM EDT

well on your team I would recommend only 1. Train some Phantom link (not too big just a little bit) and put all the rest of the exp into HP. the other minion should train perhaps 1/4 hp and the rest into a DD spell (I recommend MM). On the third minion untrain all hp/dex etc and put all the exp into a ED or EO. perhaps 1/2 DM and 1/2 Ablative shield

ImSuck March 18 2009 11:55 PM EDT

for the phantom link do i put in skill points into it, or just train it and rest into hp?

Fatil1ty March 19 2009 12:01 AM EDT

basically it will absorb damage done to your other minions at 90% of damage. The effect which is listed in the training page is the maximium damage it will absorb.if damage is greater than that the rest is done to the minion being hit. I would put a small amount into it but not much. Maybe train it to a 500 effect (not raw effect)

ImSuck March 19 2009 12:08 AM EDT

thank you so much for all the help. both of you. wish i could give u guys rep, i would :)
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