What are your Picks? (in Off-topic)

smallpau1 - Go Blues [Lower My Fees] March 19 2009 1:22 PM EDT


Yes, I have Duke upsetting everyones UNC & Louisville, Made a second one where i did not have Missouri beating UCONN, but still had Louisville and Duke in the Championship game, but had Louisville winning. That bracket kept messing up on Facebook though because i made it only an hour before the first game, when everyone was doing their's as well, lol. So, the one i posted above is technically the only one i have! The one above, if all pans out as it is now, I'll start off 3/3! I showed you mine, Let's see yours!

{Wookie}-Jir.Vr- March 19 2009 3:14 PM EDT

zags win

AdminQBnovice [Cult of the Valaraukar] March 19 2009 3:35 PM EDT

I picked alternating teams (top, bottom) all the way down and ended up with Purdue... I'm pretty sure I fail.
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