What are the chances . . . Mac OpenOffice.org? (in Off-topic)

Revs March 20 2009 10:32 PM EDT

There a chance anyone uses OpenOffice.org open source build 3.0.4 for their Mac office suite? If so, I'm looking at OpenOffice Aqua, but the build for PowerPC iBook's is no less than 26 different dmg files, and I'm a little perplexed in how this all fits together. Would love some input on how I go about doing this. Anyone?

Flatcap [East Milwaukee Devival] March 21 2009 10:55 AM EDT

I'm only seeing 3.01 on the website. But if you have that many damage files just download it again, OOo_3.0.1rc2_MacOSXPowerPC_install_en-GB.dmg is the English language I think.

Revs March 21 2009 6:14 PM EDT

Got it working, thanks. I wasn't sure how many files were in the build. It just generated that data page which threw me off. Thanks for the reply. ;)
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