Music problemo... (in Off-topic)

Andy March 21 2009 10:59 AM EDT

I have music on my computer.
I have music player with BOOM BOOM speakers.
Hence I want to play my music from my computer on my BOOM BOOM speakers.

How can you do this without plugging the speakers into your computer? They're in different rooms ya see ^^

Salvador Dali March 21 2009 11:10 AM EDT

There is no free way afaik, but Logitech made the Squeezebox, which exists to do exactly what you're describing.

Andy March 21 2009 11:12 AM EDT

Hmm sounds interesting but which one do I get?

Salvador Dali March 21 2009 11:47 AM EDT

The classic, maybe? Not sure.

Flatcap [East Milwaukee Devival] March 21 2009 11:57 AM EDT

Toms hardware had a DIY project a while back for a wireless standalone mp3 player if you dig through the archives it might be there for 2008 I think

Thak March 21 2009 12:29 PM EDT

if you have a good enough stereo system and laptop/pc you can plug your comp into your reciever and use you computer like a mp3 player that you plugged into your stereo.

Thats what i do.
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