Forging (Base Items Mostly) (in Services)

{cb2}ShadeSlayer March 26 2009 10:43 PM EDT

I will be forging items i would prefer base items...

I will forge items with a eff. of .88 or higher... NO DB's or other stupidly hard items...

I charge 70% for your first item, then 69% for the next item, down to 65%.*

1. .700
2. .690
3. .685
4. .650

**After the 4th forged you will receive a permanent rate of 65%.**

{cb2}ShadeSlayer March 26 2009 10:49 PM EDT

I will be forging items i would prefer base items...

I will forge items with a eff. of .88 or higher... NO DB's or other stupidly hard items...

I charge 70% for your first Mil NW, then 69% for the next M NW, down to 65%.*

1M. .700
2M. .690
3M. .685
4M. .650

**After the 4th Mil NW forged you will receive a permanent rate of 65%.**

Items forged at my discretion...

{cb2}ShadeSlayer March 26 2009 10:54 PM EDT

UPDATE: sorry for the triple post...

The 1M, 2M, 3M, 4M, will be added together....


{cb2}ShadeSlayer March 26 2009 11:20 PM EDT

On Hold atm.

Wizard'sFirstRule March 27 2009 12:37 AM EDT

I have a exbow that a NUB is forging right now, but he appears to be offline most of the time. I would like you to forge it for me instead. I will pay an extra 2% if you can forge it from x329 to x500 within 3 weeks.

{cb2}ShadeSlayer March 29 2009 11:37 PM EDT


{cb2}ShadeSlayer March 30 2009 8:18 PM EDT

I will be forging items i would prefer base items...

I will forge items with a eff. of .88 or higher... NO DB's or other stupidly hard items...

I charge 75.5% for the first Million in NW and the following list is for the next 9 Million. After you have a total of 10M NW forged you will receive a Permanent rate of 70%. If you want your items forged with bought ba you must buy the BA for me to use, 144*1344=193,536.
1. .755
2. .750
3. .745
4. .740
5. .735
6. .730
7. .725
8. .720
9. .705
10. .700

**After you have bought 10M NW worth of forging you will receive 1 Free Point on an Item* This item has to be approved by me and will be no less than 95% Eff.**

{cb2}ShadeSlayer April 2 2009 10:37 PM EDT

BUMP Finished Ut's MH

{cb2}ShadeSlayer April 3 2009 6:04 PM EDT

Wow no one needs forging?
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