Cannot Train by Level (in General)

[MG]Mecca-Devilbot [Clan of One] April 4 2009 8:31 PM EDT

Currently receiving the following error when I try to increase any skill/stat using 'Train by level'

ReferenceError: $ is not defined

As an example:
My VA is currently 32,000 Level.
Entering 33000 or 33,000 into the 'Train by Level' will cause this error to appear.
Entering 12000 into Train by Exp seems to work. Or at least it updates the menu. Haven't actually tried it, so that my character won't change before it gets looked into.

winner winner April 4 2009 8:34 PM EDT

try reloading CB, that's what I did when I got the error

[MG]Mecca-Devilbot [Clan of One] April 4 2009 8:37 PM EDT

Already logged out and back in, didn't make a difference.

[MG]Mecca-Devilbot [Clan of One] April 5 2009 9:19 PM EDT

Nevermind, I believe I figured it out.
NoScript doesn't play nice with CB.
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