Titan/Ovaltine (in Public Record)

AdminTitan [The Sky Forge] April 5 2009 12:55 AM EDT

I am loaning Sir Ovaltine 1.5M dollars with a 10% flat interest fee and the transfers. He will be paying back in one to two weeks. Total owed will be 1,665,000. Sending money as soon as confirmed.

bohab April 5 2009 12:57 AM EDT


AdminTitan [The Sky Forge] April 5 2009 1:00 AM EDT

Ta Ta Titan (Ares the Great) Sir Ovaltine (Prometheus and Bob) $1500000 1:00 AM EDT


bohab April 5 2009 9:09 PM EDT

Sir Ovaltine (Prometheus and Bob) Ta Ta Titan (Ares the Great) $100000 -- first payment 9:08 PM EDT

1565000 left

bohab April 6 2009 4:05 PM EDT

Sir Ovaltine (Prometheus and Bob) Ta Ta Titan (Ares the Great) $230000 -- another payment 4:04 PM EDT

1335000 left

bohab April 7 2009 7:18 PM EDT

Sir Ovaltine (Prometheus and Bob) Ta Ta Titan (Ares the Great) $135000 -- just another payment 7:18 PM EDT

should now be at 1.2m left

bohab April 7 2009 11:15 PM EDT

down to 1.1m now
Sir Ovaltine (Prometheus and Bob) Ta Ta Titan (Ares the Great) $100000 -- and some moar 11:15 PM EDT

bohab April 9 2009 4:28 PM EDT

Sir Ovaltine (Prometheus and Bob) Ta Ta Titan (Ares the Great) $950000 -- almost done 4:27 PM EDT

150k left, should be payed of by tonight maybe in the morning

bohab April 10 2009 10:41 AM EDT

Sir Ovaltine (Prometheus and Bob) Ta Ta Titan (Ares the Great) $150000 -- Done 10:41 AM EDT

all paid Sir
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